Discounts For Nevada State Employees

State of Nevada employee discounts

Nevada State Employee Discounts And Perks

What Discounts Are Available For State Of Nevada Employees?

State of Nevada employees, workers, contractors, their families, and friends are eligible for Employee Discounts, Special Pricing, and Perks on products, benefits, and services they use every day. Find discounts on travel, insurance, prescriptions, cell phones, tires, movies, theme parks, and more.

Become A Member For Free!

And get access to exclusive offers and deals from the top brands and retailers

    Nevada State Employee Auto And Car Discounts

    Shop for Nevada State Employee Discounts on Auto Services, Auto Warranties, Car Buying Services, Car Insurance, Car Auto Loans, Car Parts And Accessories, Roadside Assistance, and Tire Discounts.

    Nevada State Employee Entertainment Discounts

    If you are a Nevada state employee looking for fun and discounts on entertainment, we have deals on Golf Discounts, Theme Park Discounts, Movie Ticket Discounts, and Magazine & Newspapers Discounts.

    Nevada State Employee Financial Discounts

    Get Nevada State Employee Perks on Financial Services Discounts, Credit Cards, Credit Repair, Credit Scores & Monitoring, Home Loans And Refi, ID Monitoring & Protection, and even Personal Loans.

    Nevada State Employee Health And Medical Discounts

    Are you a Nevada state employee looking for Supplement Discounts, Dental Discounts, Health Insurance, Hearing Aids, Makeup Discounts, Medicare, Medical Alert Discounts, Prescription Discounts, Vitamins And Supplements, or Vision Discounts, we have promotions designed for you.

    Nevada State Employee Home Services Discounts

    If you are a Nevada state employee looking for fun and discounts on entertainment, we have deals on Golf Discounts, Theme Park Discounts, Movie Ticket Discounts, and Magazine & Newspapers Discounts.

    Nevada State Employee Insurance & Warranty Discounts

    Get peace of mind with discounts for Nevada state employees on complete coverage with Car Insurance, Health Insurance, Home Insurance, Home Warranty, Life Insurance, Medicare, and Renters Insurance.

    Nevada State Employee Travel & Vacation Discounts

    Nevada state employees can save on their next vacation or trip with Travel And Vacation Discounts on Airlines And Flights, Car Rentals, Cruises, Hotels, Camping, RVs and Resort Deals.

    Nevada State Employee Pet Offers And Discounts

    Are you a Nevada state employee with a furry family member? Save on Pet Offers And Discounts on products and services like Pet Insurance, Pet Care, and Emotional Support Animal Registration.

    Nevada State Employee Unique Offers And Discounts

    We provide Unique And Special Offers to Nevada state employees on products like Baby Clothes And Gifts, Clothing, Flowers, School Supplies, Shoes, Watches, and Jewelry. We also have deals on Wedding Favors And Gifts, as well as Birthday And Anniversary Gift Ideas

    Nevada State Employee Discounts From Brands Like These Get The Best Offers And Discounts From The Best Brands

    Employee discounts for the State of Nevada

    What Other State Of Nevada Employees Agencies Are Eligible For Discounts?

    Our discounts, perks and benefits are not only available to current state or Nevada employees, but also to Nevada employee association members, Nevada retirees, Nevada School and Teacher Employees Association, and the Nevada employees union.

    The state of Nevada employees of the following agencies, boards, departments, commissions and bureau are also available for our discounts, perks and benefits:

    Advisory Committee for a Veterans Cemetery in Northern Nevada Employee Discounts
    Advisory Committee for a Veterans Cemetery in Southern Nevada Employee Discounts
    Advisory Committee on Nevada Criminal Justice Information Sharing Employee Discounts
    Board of Directors of the Nevada Clean Energy Fund Employee Discounts
    Board of Directors of the Nevada State Infrastructure Bank Employee Discounts
    Board of Trustees of the College Savings Plans of Nevada Employee Discounts
    Colorado River Commission of Nevada Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Commission on Mentoring Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Air National Guard Employee Discounts
    Nevada Army National Guard Employee Discounts
    Nevada Arts Council/Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Athletic Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Aging Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Homeland Security Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Services for Persons with Disabilities Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee of Blind Vendors Employee Discounts
    Nevada Early Childhood Advisory Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group Employee Discounts
    Nevada Equal Rights Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Highway Patrol Employee Discounts
    Nevada Indian Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association Employee Discounts
    Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Cyber Defense Coordination Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Infrastructure Bank Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Rehabilitation Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada System of Higher Education Employee Discounts
    Nevada Tax Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Transportation Authority Employee Discounts
    Nevada Veterans Services Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Youth Training Center Bureau Employee Discounts
    Office of the Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers Employee Discounts
    Public Utilities Commission of Nevada Employee Discounts
    State of Nevada Advisory Council on Palliative Care and Quality of Life Employee Discounts
    State of Nevada Juvenile Justice Commission Employee Discounts
    Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada Employee Discounts
    University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Employee Discounts
    Nevada Administrative Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Administrative Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada Administrative Services Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Administrative Services Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Board on Automotive Affairs Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Board on Dream Tags Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Committee on Medicaid Innovation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Committee on Minority Health and Equity Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Committee on Participatory Democracy (inactive) Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Committee on Problem Gambling Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Committee on the State Program for Oral Health Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Committee on Transportational Storm Water Management Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Committee to the Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Council on Mortgage Investments and Mortgage Lending Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Council on Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Employee Discounts
    Nevada Advisory Council on the State Program for Wellness and Prevention of Chronic Disease Employee Discounts
    Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects Employee Discounts
    Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Agricultural Extension/Experiment Station Employee Discounts
    Nevada Appeals Panel for Industrial Insurance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Appraisers Certification Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board for Financing Water Projects Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board for the Administration of the Subsequent Injury Account for Associations of Self-Insured Public or Private Employers Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board for the Administration of the Subsequent Injury Account for Self-Insured Employers Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board for the Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board of Directors Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board of Economic Development Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board of Regents Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board of Review Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board of Search and Rescue Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board of State Prison Commissioners Employee Discounts

    Nevada Board of the Public Employees Benefits Program Employee Discounts
    Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners Employee Discounts
    Nevada Budget Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Buildings and Grounds Section Employee Discounts
    Nevada Bureau for Hospital Patients Employee Discounts
    Nevada Bureau of Consumer Protection (Consumer’s Advocate) Employee Discounts
    Nevada Bureau of Disability Adjudication Employee Discounts
    Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Employee Discounts
    Nevada Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired Employee Discounts
    Nevada Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Caliente Youth Center Bureau Employee Discounts
    Nevada Capitol Police Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Center for the Analysis of Crime Statistics Employee Discounts
    Nevada Central Mailing Room Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commercial Recordings Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission of Appraisers of Real Estate Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Behavioral Health Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Educational Technology Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Mineral Resources Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Nuclear Projects Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Professional Standards in Education Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Special License Plates Employee Discounts
    Nevada Commission on Tourism Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee for the Statewide Alert System Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee on Anatomical Dissection Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee on Catastrophic Leave Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee on Deferred Compensation for State Employees Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee on Emergency Medical Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee on Industrial Programs Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee on Local Government Finance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee on Testing for Intoxication Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee on Training in Search and Rescue Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee to Approve Schedules for the Retention and Disposition of Official State Records Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee to Review Child Support Guidelines Employee Discounts
    Nevada Committee to Review Suicide Fatalities Employee Discounts
    Nevada Communication and Computing Unit Employee Discounts
    Nevada Community Colleges Employee Discounts
    Nevada Comstock Historic District Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Consumer Affairs Unit Employee Discounts
    Nevada Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools Employee Discounts
    Nevada Credit Union Advisory Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Administration Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Business and Industry Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Corrections Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Education Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Public Safety Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Taxation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Transportation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Veterans Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada Department of Wildlife Employee Discounts
    Nevada Desert Research Institute Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Central Services and Records Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Child and Family Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Compliance Enforcement Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Consumer Complaint Resolution Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Consumer Equitability Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Economic Development Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Emergency Management Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Field Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Financial Institutions Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Forestry Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Health Care Financing and Policy Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Human Resource Management Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Industrial Relations Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Information Technology Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Insurance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Internal Audits Employee Discounts

    Nevada Division of Management Services and Programs Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Minerals Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Mortgage Lending Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Motion Pictures Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Museums and History/Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Parole and Probation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Planning Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of State Lands Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of State Library, Archives and Public Records Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of State Parks Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Technical Programs Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of the Office of the Director Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Tourism Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Water Resources Employee Discounts
    Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada Drug Use Review Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada Economic Forum Employee Discounts
    Nevada Elections Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Employee-Management Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Employment Security Council/ Board of Review Employee Discounts
    Nevada Employment Security Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Engineering Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Enterprise Application Services Unit Employee Discounts
    Nevada Ethics Institute Employee Discounts
    Nevada Executive Branch Audit Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Executive Committee to Review the Death of Children Employee Discounts
    Nevada Fleet Services Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Fraud Control Unit for Industrial Insurance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Fraud Control Unit for Insurance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Gaming Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Gaming Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Gaming Policy Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Governor’s Workforce Investment Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Grants Management Advisory Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Hearings Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Housing Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Information Technology Advisory Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs Employee Discounts
    Nevada Interagency Panel Employee Discounts
    Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Investigation Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Judicial Retirement System Employee Discounts
    Nevada Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Land Use Planning Advisory Council/Executive Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada Legislators Retirement System Employee Discounts
    Nevada Local Government Employee-Management Relations Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Employee Discounts
    Nevada Medical Care Advisory Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Medical Laboratory Advisory Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Merit Award Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Motor Carrier Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada New Energy Industry Task Force (inactive) Employee Discounts
    Nevada Notary Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Review Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Off-Track Pari-Mutuel Wagering Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office for Consumer Health Assistance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office for Suicide Prevention Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Attorney for the Rights of Older Persons and Persons with a Physical Disability, an Intellectual Disability or a Related Condition Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Criminal Justice Assistance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Economic Development Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Energy Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Finance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Historic Preservation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Information Security Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Labor Commissioner Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Military Legal Assistance Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Minority Health and Equity Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Ombudsman for Victims of Domestic Violence Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Science, Innovation and Technology Employee Discounts

    Nevada Office of the Community Advocate for Elder Rights Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of the Military Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of the Ombudsman for Owners in Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of the State Climatologist Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of the State Demographer Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of the State Engineer Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of the State Public Defender Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of the Western Regional Education Compact Employee Discounts
    Nevada Office of Workforce Innovation Employee Discounts
    Nevada Operations Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada P-20W Research Data System Advisory Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Personnel Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Planning Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Police and Firefighters Retirement Fund Advisory Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Public Employees Retirement Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Public Employees Retirement System Employee Discounts
    Nevada Public Service Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Public Works–Compliance and Code Enforcement Section Employee Discounts
    Nevada Public Works–Professional Services Section Employee Discounts
    Nevada Purchasing Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Rangeland Resources Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Real Estate Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada Real Estate Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Records, Communication and Compliance Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Regional Behavioral Health Policy Boards Employee Discounts
    Nevada Rehabilitation Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Research Facilities Employee Discounts
    Nevada Risk Management Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Sagebrush Ecosystem Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada Securities Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada State 4-H Camp Advisory Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Apprenticeship Council Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Archives Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Agriculture Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Education Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Equalization Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Examiners Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Finance Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Fire Services Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Health Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Pardons Commissioners Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Board of Parole Commissioners Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Colleges Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Conservation Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Council for the Coordination of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Council on Libraries and Literacy Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Data Center Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Department of Agriculture Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Emergency Response Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Environmental Commission Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Fire Marshal Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Gaming Control Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Land Office Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Land Use Planning Agency Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Predatory Animal and Rodent Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Public Charter School Authority Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Public Works Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Public Works Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada State Publications Distribution Center Employee Discounts
    Nevada Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs Employee Discounts
    Nevada Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease Employee Discounts
    Nevada Taxicab Authority Employee Discounts
    Nevada Technical Advisory Committee on Future State Revenues Employee Discounts
    Nevada Technological Crime Advisory Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Training Division Employee Discounts
    Nevada Universities Employee Discounts
    Nevada Water Planning Section Employee Discounts
    Nevada Well Drillers Advisory Board Employee Discounts
    Nevada Women Veterans Advisory Committee Employee Discounts
    Nevada Youth Parole Bureau Employee Discounts