California State Employee Discounts Employee Discounts And Perks
Get California State Employee Discounts Employee Discounts

Employee Discounts For California State Employee Discounts Employees And Retirees
California State Employee Discounts Employees, retirees, their families, and friends are eligible for Employee Discounts, special pricing, and perks on products and services they use every day.
As a member, you will find employee discounts on travel, insurance, car rentals, prescriptions, cell phones, tires, movies, theme parks, and more.
Just sign up to become a member and get instant access!
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And get access to exclusive offers and deals from the top brands and retailers
Our Most Popular Employee Discount Categories
Our Most Popular Employee Discount And Offers
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This Month's Newest Employee Discounts And Perks
Theme Park Employee Discounts
Concert, Sports, And Local Attraction Employee Discounts
Travel Employee Discounts - Hotels, Airfare, And Cruises
Rental Car Employee Discounts
Home Services Employee Discounts

California State Employee Auto And Car Discounts
Shop for California State Employee Discounts on Auto Services, Auto Warranties, Car Buying Services, Car Insurance, Car Auto Loans, Car Parts And Accessories, Roadside Assistance, and Tire Discounts.

California State Employee Entertainment Discounts
If you are a California state employee looking for fun and discounts on entertainment, we have deals on Golf Discounts, Theme Park Discounts, Movie Ticket Discounts, and Magazine & Newspapers Discounts.

California State Employee Financial Discounts
Get California State Employee Perks on Financial Services Discounts, Credit Cards, Credit Repair, Credit Scores & Monitoring, Home Loans And Refi, ID Monitoring & Protection, and even Personal Loans.

California State Employee Health And Medical Discounts
Are you a California state employee looking for Supplement Discounts, Dental Discounts, Health Insurance, Hearing Aids, Makeup Discounts, Medicare, Medical Alert Discounts, Prescription Discounts, Vitamins And Supplements, or Vision Discounts, we have promotions designed for you.

California State Employee Home Services Discounts
If you are a California state employee looking for fun and discounts on entertainment, we have deals on Golf Discounts, Theme Park Discounts, Movie Ticket Discounts, and Magazine & Newspapers Discounts.

California State Employee Insurance & Warranty Discounts
Get peace of mind with discounts for California state employees on complete coverage with Car Insurance, Health Insurance, Home Insurance, Home Warranty, Life Insurance, Medicare, and Renters Insurance.

California State Employee Travel & Vacation Discounts
California state employees can save on their next vacation or trip with Travel And Vacation Discounts on Airlines And Flights, Car Rentals, Cruises, Hotels, Camping, RVs and Resort Deals.

California State Employee Pet Offers And Discounts
Are you a California state employee with a furry family member? Save on Pet Offers And Discounts on products and services like Pet Insurance, Pet Care, and Emotional Support Animal Registration.

California State Employee Unique Offers And Discounts
We provide Unique And Special Offers to California state employees on products like Baby Clothes And Gifts, Clothing, Flowers, School Supplies, Shoes, Watches, and Jewelry. We also have deals on Wedding Favors And Gifts, as well as Birthday And Anniversary Gift Ideas
California State Employee Discounts From Brands Like These Get The Best Offers And Discounts From The Best Brands

What Other State Of California Employees Agencies Are Eligible For Discounts?
Our discounts, perks and benefits are not only available to current state or California employees, but also to California employee association members, California retirees, California School and Teacher Employees Association, and the California employees union.

The state of California employees of the following agencies, boards, departments, commissions and bureau are also available for our discounts, perks and benefits:
California State Association of Counties Employee Discounts (CSAC)
California State Board of Education Employee Discounts
California State Board of Pharmacy Employee Discounts
Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation Employee Discounts
Commission on Judicial Performance Employee Discounts (CJP)
Commission on State Mandates Employee Discounts (CSM)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Employee Discounts (CTC)
Commission on Peace Officer Standards & Training Employee Discounts POST)
Council on Mentally Ill Offenders Employee Discounts (COMIO)
Department of State Hospitals Employee Discounts
Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development Employee Discounts
Governor’s Office of Tribal Advisor Employee Discounts
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Employee Discounts (CalOES)
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research Employee Discounts OPR)
Office of Lieutenant Governor Employee Discounts LTG)
Office of Administrative Law Employee Discounts OAL)
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Employee Discounts OEHHA)
Office of Systems Integration Employee Discounts OSI)
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development Employee Discounts OSHPD)
Office of the Governor Employee Discounts (GO)
Office of the Inspector General Employee Discounts OIG)
Office of the Patient Advocate Employee Discounts OPA)
Office of the State Fire Marshal Employee Discounts
State Bar of California Employee Discounts (CALBAR)
State Compensation Insurance Fund Employee Discounts SCIF)
State Historical Resources Commission Employee Discounts SHRC)
State Mining & Geology Board Employee Discounts SMGB)
State Personnel Board Employee Discounts SPB)
State Treasurer’s Office Employee Discounts STO)
State Water Resources Control Board Employee Discounts WRCB)
State Council on Developmental Disabilities Employee Discounts SCDD)
Board of Optometry Employee Discounts
Board of Psychology Employee Discounts
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Employee Discounts (BBC)
Board of Behavioral Sciences Employee Discounts (BBS)
Board of Chiropractic Examiners Employee Discounts (BCE)
Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind Employee Discounts (BGDB)
Board of Equalization Employee Discounts (BOE)
Board of Forestry & Fire Protection Employee Discounts (BOF)
Board of Podiatric Medicine Employee Discounts (BPM)
Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians Employee Discounts (BVNPT)
Board of Parole Hearings Employee Discounts (CDCR, BOPH)
Board of Registered Nursing Employee Discounts RN)
Bureau for Private and Postsecondary Education Employee Discounts (BPPE)
Bureau for Cannabis Control Employee Discounts
Bureau for Automotive Repair Employee Discounts (BAR)
Bureau for Security and Investigative Services Employee Discounts (BSIS)
Bureau for Real Estate Appraisers Employee Discounts OREA)
California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority Employee Discounts
California Apprenticeship Council Employee Discounts
California Architects Board Employee Discounts
California Boating and Waterways Commission Employee Discounts
California Citizens Compensation Commission Employee Discounts
California Coastal Commission Employee Discounts
California Coastal Conservancy Employee Discounts
California Courts Employee Discounts
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee Employee Discounts
California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission Employee Discounts
California Earthquake Authority Employee Discounts
California Educational Facilities Authority Employee Discounts
California Financing Coordinating Committee Employee Discounts
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Employee Discounts
California Healthy Food Financing Initiative Council Employee Discounts
California Historical Records Advisory Board Employee Discounts
California Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission Employee Discounts
California Military Department Employee Discounts
California Natural Resources Agency Employee Discounts
California Pollution Control Financing Authority Employee Discounts
California School Finance Authority Employee Discounts
California Tahoe Conservancy Employee Discounts
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee Employee Discounts
California Tax and Fee Administration Employee Discounts
California Veterans Board Employee Discounts
California Volunteers Employee Discounts
California Water Commission Employee Discounts
California Water Quality Monitoring Council Employee Discounts
California Building Standards Commission Employee Discounts (BSC)
California Arts Council Employee Discounts (CAC)
California Exposition & State Fair Employee Discounts (CAL EXPO)
California Public Employees Retirement System Employee Discounts (CalPERS)
California Victim Compensation Board Employee Discounts (CalVCB)
California Biodiversity Council Employee Discounts (CBC)
California Conservation Corps Employee Discounts (CCC)
California Community Colleges System Employee Discounts (CCCS)
California Film Commission Employee Discounts (CFC)
California Highway Patrol Employee Discounts (CHP)
California Horse Racing Board Employee Discounts (CHRB)
California Public Utilities Commission Employee Discounts (CPUC)
California Student Aid Commission Employee Discounts (CSAC)
California Transportation Commission Employee Discounts (CTC)
California Workforce Development Board Employee Discounts (CWDB)
California Energy Commission Employee Discounts (ENERGY)
California Health Benefit Exchange Employee Discounts (HBEX)
California lottery Employee Discounts LOTTERY)
California Public Employment Relations Board Employee Discounts PERB)
California Secretary of State Employee Discounts SOS)
California Seismic Safety Commission Employee Discounts SSC)
California Veterinary Medical Board Employee Discounts VMB)
California Board of Occupational Therapy Employee Discounts (BOT)
California Commission on Aging Employee Discounts (CCoA)
California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls Employee Discounts
California Department of Parks and Recreation Employee Discounts
California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection Employee Discounts (CAL FIRE)
California Department of Aging Employee Discounts (CDA)
California Department of Public Health Employee Discounts (CDPH)
California Department of Business Oversight Employee Discounts (DBO)
California Department of Toxic Substances Control Employee Discounts (DTSC)
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine Employee Discounts (CIRM)
California Office of Health Information Integrity Employee Discounts (CALOHI)
California Office of Traffic Safety Employee Discounts OTS)
California State Assembly Employee Discounts
California State Senate Employee Discounts
California State Transportation Agency Employee Discounts
California State Auditor Employee Discounts (BSA)
California State Independent Living Council Employee Discounts (CALSILC)
California State University Employee Discounts (CALSTATE, CSU)
California State Athletic Commission Employee Discounts (CSAC)
California State Library Employee Discounts (CSL)
California State Legislature Employee Discounts LEGISLATURE)
California State Parks and Recreation Commission Employee Discounts PARKS)
California State Controller’s Office Employee Discounts SCO)
California State Lands Commission Employee Discounts SLC)
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Employee Discounts
Department of Technology Employee Discounts
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Employee Discounts (ABC)
Department of Human Resources Employee Discounts (CalHR)
Department of Veterans Affairs Employee Discounts (CalVet)
Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation Employee Discounts (CDCR)
Department of Child Support Services Employee Discounts (CDCSS)
Department of Education Employee Discounts (CDE)
Department of Food & Agriculture Employee Discounts (CDFA)
Department offish & Wildlife Employee Discounts (CDFW)
Department of Insurance Employee Discounts (CDI)
Department of Pesticide Regulation Employee Discounts (CDPR)
Department of Social Services Employee Discounts (CDSS)
Department of Community Services & Development Employee Discounts (CSD)
Department of Consumer Affairs Employee Discounts (DCA)
Department of Developmental Services Employee Discounts (DDS)
Department off-air Employment & Housing Employee Discounts (DFEH)
Department of General Services Employee Discounts (DGS)
Department of Health Care Services Employee Discounts (DHCS)
Department of Industrial Relations Employee Discounts (DIR)
Department of Managed Health Care Employee Discounts (DMHC)
Department of Motor Vehicles Employee Discounts (DMV)
Department of Conservation Employee Discounts (DOC)
Department of Finance Employee Discounts (DOF)
Department of Justice Employee Discounts (DOJ)
Department of Rehabilitation Employee Discounts (DOR)
Department of Transportation Employee Discounts (DOT,CALTRANS)
Department of Real Estate Employee Discounts (DRE)
Department of Water Resources Employee Discounts (DWR)
Department of Housing & Community Development Employee Discounts (HCD)
Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board Employee Discounts (ABCAB)
Agricultural Labor Relations Board Employee Discounts (ALRB)
Air Resources Board Employee Discounts (ARB, CARB)
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission Employee Discounts (BCDC)
Baldwin Hills Conservancy Employee Discounts (BHC)
High-Speed Rail Authority Employee Discounts (CAHSRA)
Environmental Protection Agency Employee Discounts (CALEPA)
Housing Finance Agency Employee Discounts (CALHFA)
Prison Industry Authority Employee Discounts (CALPIA)
California Board of Accountancy Employee Discounts (CBA)
Cemetery and Funeral Bureau Employee Discounts (CFB)
Gambling Control Commission Employee Discounts (CGCC)
Health and Human Services Agency Employee Discounts (CHHS)
Law Revision Committee Employee Discounts (CLRC)
Colorado River Board of California Employee Discounts (CRB)
Citizens Redistricting Commission Employee Discounts (CRC)
Contractors State License Board Employee Discounts (CSLB)
Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board Employee Discounts (CUIAB)
Central Valley Flood Protection Board Employee Discounts (CVFPB)
Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy Employee Discounts (CVMC)
Dental Board of California Employee Discounts (DBC)
Dental Hygiene Committee of California Employee Discounts (DHCC)
Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board Employee Discounts (DIR, OSHAB)
Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Advisory Council Employee Discounts (DVBE)
Employment Development Department Employee Discounts (EDD)
Emergency Medical Services Authority Employee Discounts (EMSA)
Employment Training Panel Employee Discounts (ETP)
Fish & Game Commission Employee Discounts (FGC)
First 5 California Employee Discounts (First 5)
Fair Political Practices Commission Employee Discounts (FPPC)
Franchise Tax Board Employee Discounts (FTB)
Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Employee Discounts (I-Bank)
Industrial Welfare Commission Employee Discounts IWC)
Juvenile Parole Board Employee Discounts JPB)
Legislative Analyst’s Office Employee Discounts LAO)
Landscape Architects Technical Committee Employee Discounts LATC)
Little Hoover Commission Employee Discounts LHC)
Labor and Workforce Development Agency Employee Discounts LWDA)
Medical Board of California Employee Discounts MBC)
Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission Employee Discounts MHSOAC)
Native American Heritage Commission Employee Discounts NAHC)
New Motor Vehicle Board Employee Discounts NMVB)
Osteopathic Medical Board of California Employee Discounts OMBC)
Ocean Protection Council Employee Discounts OPC)
Physical Therapy Board of California Employee Discounts PTBC)
Respiratory Care Board of California Employee Discounts RCB)
San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers & Mountains Conservancy Employee Discounts RMC)
Uniform Custom Cost Accounting Commission Employee Discounts SCO)
San Diego River Conservancy Employee Discounts SDRC)
San Joaquin River Conservancy Employee Discounts SJRC)
Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Employee Discounts SMMC)
University of California Employee Discounts UC)
Wildlife Conservation Board Employee Discounts WCB)
California Acupuncture Board Employee Discounts
California Office of Administrative Hearings Employee Discounts
California State Allocation Board Employee Discounts
Arbitration Certification Program Employee Discounts
Cool California Employee Discounts
Court Reporters Board of California Employee Discounts
Delta Protection Commission Employee Discounts
Delta Stewardship Council Employee Discounts
Government Operations Agency Employee Discounts
Naturopathic Medicine Committee Employee Discounts
Physician Assistant Board Employee Discounts
Pooled Money Investment Board Employee Discounts
Professional Fiduciaries Bureau Employee Discounts
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Employee Discounts
Save Our Water Employee Discounts
Scholarshare Investment Board Employee Discounts
Sierra Nevada Conservancy Employee Discounts
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board Employee Discounts
Structural Pest Control Board Employee Discounts
Visit California Employee Discounts
Worker’s Compensation Appeals Board Employee Discounts