National Senior Day Discounts

National Senior Day Discounts

On August 21, the United States will celebrate National Senior Day, a day to recognize the wisdom and leadership of older Americans. The holiday was established in 1988 by the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan to recognize the contribution of senior citizens. Although it may seem like a way for stores to create National Senior Day sales in order to boost profits, it is actually a great day to celebrate with your older friends and family members. The fact is, encouraging loved ones to be happy and continue to be social should happen every day, National Senior Day allows us to give special recognition to those we respect and admire.

Why Older People Need Connections

The Administration on Aging reports that 28 percent of senior citizens live alone. The percentage increases to 45 percent for women over the age of 75. There is no question that independence is important to senior citizens as it boosts self-esteem and empowerment. However, it can also be risky if a senior citizen has little social interaction. Without social interaction, it is difficult for friends and family to recognize the warning signs of cognitive or physical impairment, putting the older person at risk. There is also research that indicates that loneliness and isolation can lead to depression and early death in some seniors. A study conducted by Boston College found that grandparents and grandchildren with strong relationships experience fewer symptoms of depression in both generations. Social interaction with the elderly should occur all year, but National Senior Day is a great reason to celebrate with the older people in your life.

Enjoy a Meal Outside the Home

If an elderly person in your life is mobile and active, consider taking them out for a meal. You can find many National Senior Day discounts at restaurants that offer brunch for something unique or enjoy a leisurely lunch at the location your older friend or relative chooses. National Senior Day deals may include a free dessert, reduced price on menu items or even a flower or other recognition of their contribution over the years.

National Senior Day Vacations

Has your grandmother talked about visiting the place where she grew up? Did your grandfather serve overseas in the Armed Forces? Maybe consider National Senior Day travel options. There are airlines that offer reduced cost National Senior Day flights for people over a certain age, so you could fulfill your older friend or relative’s wishes while also saving money with National Senior Day specials. Going to the place where a grandparent grew up can be fulfilling not only for the older person but for younger family members as well. Many stories of your grandparent’s younger days will be gone when they pass so enjoy hearing them while they are still able to tell them and you are able to hear them.

Safety Options for Seniors

Technology has advanced significantly over the years, especially in the area of safety measures for seniors. Consider investing in National Senior Day medical alert programs that will help keep your older friend or relative safe. There are many options available in national Senior Day medical alert programs. The programs can alert medical personnel if your loved one becomes unresponsive or if they fall and injure themselves. The alerts can notify them it is time to take medication and some even offer well-being phone calls periodically to be sure the senior citizen is managing on their own. Many of the programs offer National Senior Day sales so this is the perfect time to invest in what could be a life-saving measure for your loved one.

Start a Family History Project

One of the best ways to learn about your family history is to talk to an elderly family member. Although you can use online sources to learn the names of people in your ancestry line, you won’t know some of the stories your older family members will be able to relate. You may not have known that your grandfather tried out for a professional baseball team when he was young or that he wanted to be an airline pilot before life intervened. Your grandmother may have been the first woman in her family to get a job outside the home. There is so much family history that is stored in the minds of those who lived through the history, working with an older person to document those stories is invaluable.

Bring a Basket of Necessities

Senior citizens are often too proud to ask for help and many are living on an extremely tight budget. Regardless of National Senior Day insurance costs, food, energy and other costs are rising. The slightest thing going wrong could result in financial challenges that will be difficult for them to overcome. Consider bringing a basket of “necessities” to your older friend or family member. The basket could include toilet paper, cleaning supplies, laundry soap. You may be able to find National Senior Day discounts on some items specifically designed for senior citizens, like adult diapers, meal supplements and even pet supplies.

One way to find National Senior Day deals is to join These are National Senior Day specials that used to only be available to special groups and organizations. You can find National Senior Day travel discounts as well as savings on items that seniors use often. There are savings on almost everything a senior may use from National Senior Day vacations to National Senior Day insurance. There is never a membership fee and you can begin saving money immediately.

If you have a special senior citizen in your life, you will want to celebrate National Senior Day on August 21. You can also invite older family and friends to register for They can find National Senior Day travel savings, including National Senior Day flights. They can also find savings on insurance, National senior Day medical alert programs and more. Contact us today by filling out the easy online form or give us a call to learn more about how you can save.

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