Top 15 Back to School Ideas
Over the past year, school has looked much different for many students as distance learning has increased significantly. With more students learning remotely, back to school ideas for 2020 are slightly different, although these ideas also apply if your schools are holding traditional, in-the-classroom learning.

1. Consumer Electronics

One of the most important things needed as students head back to school are consumer electronics, especially in this era of digital learning. You will want to invest in speakers, headphones, and other electronic devices that will make online learning much easier. Electronics also assist with in-classroom learning as things like headphones can eliminate outside noise and help students concentrate on what they are studying.
2. Laptop Computers

In today’s world, students of all ages are increasingly relying on computers for learning. Even elementary students are using computers as part of their educational experiences. You can find laptops with touchscreens as well as those that act both as a laptop and a tablet. Laptops allow students to study no matter where they may be. If you don’t have a designated area in your home for studying, laptops are portable enough so that a study area can be set up anywhere in the home. They also allow students to continue learning even when they are on vacation.
3. Electronic Devices

If you have older children, there are many electronic devices that may be beneficial to their learning experience. Digital cameras and camcorders are a great addition for students who are interested in computer graphics or video. You may also want to invest in high-quality audio and visual equipment to ensure that your child can see and hear their instructors clearly while they are learning at home.
4. School & Office Supplies

Whether the students are heading back to regular classroom learning or continuing in a virtual learning experience, they will need supplies to get them through the school year. Pencils, paper, pens and other items are critical to student success. You will want to be sure you have these items as well as folders, notebooks and storage methods to keep your student organized all year.
5. Desktop Computers

If you have a dedicated area in your home for a computer and have young children, a desktop computer may be a better option for your family. Although you can install parental protections to keep your child safe while they are working online, it is also a good idea for parents to check on what their children are doing while learning. With a desktop, parents are able to walk up behind students and see what they are doing on the computer as an added protection.
6. Headphones

In the age of Zoom and other online conferencing software, a good set of headphones is critical. Using headphones eliminates background noise while students are using the software and also blocks noise that could be distracting as they try to learn. If the computer is in a room that is used for another purpose, it also prevents the sound of a teacher’s lecture from drowning out other things going on in the room. If you have more than one child who is in school, headphones with laptops can prevent them from being a distraction to each other as well.
7. Vision

No matter how you or your children will be learning this school year, good eyesight is critical to learning. One thing many parents may not be aware of is that a child’s eyesight can deteriorate quickly. It is possible that even though your child had their vision checked six or eight months ago, if they are claiming they are having difficulty seeing the board, they may be telling the truth. If your child is complaining of not being able to see, it may be time to schedule a vision screening.
8. Personal Care

Whether your children are heading off to a classroom or still attending school at home, they will need personal care items. You will need to purchase shampoo, conditioner, skin cleansers and more as well as perfumes, makeup and hair products. Stocking up on these items, especially when there are areas where stores are running low on supplies, is a great idea right before the start of school.
9. Medical Supplies

Almost everywhere today, schools and businesses are requiring face coverings in order to stop the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. If your children are heading back to in-classroom learning, they will need a supply of face coverings to use each day. It is also recommended that you send them with several so they can change them throughout the day.
10. Learning Aids

Many parents have reported struggling with distance learning, especially when it comes to smaller children who are just learning to read. There are many programs available that are designed to help your children improve their learning skills, such as Hooked on Phonics which is designed to help your child learn to read faster and with more comprehension. Investing in this type of program could make it easier on you and your child as you work through continued distance learning.
11. Wireless

If your child is going to learn at home, you will need access to internet. Although you may be able to get online using a hard-wired cable connection, it is much better to install a wireless router in your home to run all your electronic devices. You can even purchase wireless speakers, printers and other devices to connect your entire home office for learning purposes.
12. Educational Games

Many parents say that their younger children are really struggling with distance learning. Because parents are not trained to teach, it can be difficult for them to help their children with some of the things they need to learn. Educational games, like ABC Mouse, are designed to help your child learn but in a way that makes learning fun. Instead of feeling as if they are in class, they are playing a game that improves their reading and retention skills.
13. Reading Programs

Although younger children may learn better by playing educational games, older children may need a little more structure. Programs like Homer grow with your child, helping them develop better reading skills and improve their reading retention. These types of programs can be personalized to fit the needs of your child.
14. Art Supplies

Reading, writing and arithmetic are important parts of education but your child also needs to learn to express themselves through art. In order to help them do that, you will need art supplies. Crayons, paints, glue, glitter and other items are essential to help your child develop artistically as well as academically.
15. Car Insurance

This may not seem like something related to back to school, but it is extremely important. We often forget to review our auto policy to be sure it has the right amount of coverage, simply carrying it forward year after year with no changes. Each year, as the children head back to school, make it a habit to review your car insurance to be sure you have the coverage you need.

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