Discounts On Personal And Home Financial Services

Personal Loans

Personal Loans

Personal Loans


Payday Loan


Personal Loans

Viva Finance

Teacher discounts on VIVA Finance

Easy Investing


Student Loans

Ascent Student Loans

Auto Loans


Tax Prep & Filing


Tax Prep & Filing


Tax Prep & Filing


Tax Prep & Filing

Cash Back At Walmart

Walmart Money Card

Secured Visa® Credit Card


Mobile Banking


Boost Your Credit Score


Get Employee Discounts On Banking, Car Loans, Credit Repair, Personal Loans, and More

Don’t overpay on the financial services you rely on to buy a house, finance a major purchase, or keep your personal information safe. Employee Discounts offers you insights into the industry’s best savings to make informed buying decisions.

Banking & Credit Cards

Car Buying Services

Car & Truck Loans

Credit Repair, Scores, & Monitoring

Home Loans

Personal Loans

Tax Prep & Software

Car Insurance

More About Financial Products And Services Discounts

Credit Cards

Find the best cards that offer you the deepest discounts on miles or points. Credit card discounts empower you to take advantage of negotiated savings that the public might not know about. Don’t pay what everyone else pays!

Banking, Checking, & Savings Accounts

When it comes to banking, choosing the right type of account is important to avoid fees and charges. If you are unsure what account is best for your needs, our financial partners can help.

Tax Services & Accounting

Need help preparing your personal or business taxes or need help with accounting software?  We have partnered with trusted tax preparation and accounting companies that can help with a simple return or even complicated estate taxes.

Home Loans & Refinancing

Home loan discounts help you realize your dream of real property ownership. Whether this is a starter home or you’re moving up, rely on favorable mortgage discounts to get the best rate possible.

ID Monitoring & Protection

Is anyone else using your name, social security number, or address to do business? Find out by keeping a close eye on this data with identity monitoring. Member discounts keep you from overpaying for these services. If you ever have a problem, they’ll help you make it right.

Credit Repair

If you had some financial setbacks, there’s a chance that your credit isn’t as good as it used to be. Working with a reputable credit repair organization can turn your finances around. Credit repair discounts provide you additional savings you can put toward your bills.

Credit Scores & Monitoring

Do you know what’s in your credit profile? Do you know what your current credit score is? Few Americans understand the figures that determine how much they pay in loan fees. Member discounts ensure that you have this information at your fingertips before you ever apply for another loan.

Real Estate & Relocation

Looking for a new home or have you been given the opportunity to relocate to a new city?  Work with our Real Estate Agent and Relocation partners that provide special programs for our members.

Personal Loans

Consumers use them for anything from major purchases to credit consolidation. Personal loan discounts prevent you from overpaying on a service that could be a game-changer for your finances.

There are Savings for All Types of Financial Services

Home loan discounts can make significant differences between a good refinancing loan and a great one. Nobody likes to overpay on a loan product that could take between 15 and 30 years to pay off. Rely on the mortgage discounts you find here to make the best financial decision for you and your family.

Have the Freedom to Shop around for Services You Need

You might feel like your back’s to the wall. But with credit repair discounts, you can take vital steps toward getting back on track. Besides that, you don’t have to choose the first service you find. Shop around and let employee discounts work in your favor when you make a decision.

Position Your Finances for Long-Term Success

With the right credit card discounts, you save multiple times on the same purchase. The same goes for personal loan discounts that enable you to save money when you’re thinking of buying something big for the household or car. Even though you might finance a vehicle with a personal loan, don’t forget that we feature separate car loan discounts. Head over to the car loan discounts page right now!

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