Don’t Quit On Quitters Day
Don’t Quit on Quitter’s Day
Each year, people spend the last week of December coming up with New Year’s resolution ideas to change something about themselves. It may be losing weight or working out more often. It could be getting a better handle on finances or spending more time with family. We start the new year with the best of intentions to make big changes. Unfortunately, research indicates that most people give up on their resolutions within two weeks of the start of the year, a day that has been called “Quitters Day.” These tips can help you avoid being a quitter on Quitters Day and achieve the goals you set when the new year started.
Sticking to Your Diet
If eating healthier was one of your resolutions this year, you can avoid being a quitter with a few easy changes. If you did not do so when the year started, remove any unhealthy foods from your home. Replace them with healthier options and always carry healthy snacks with you. Having trouble planning healthy meals? Consider using a meal delivery plan in order to have all the ingredients you need delivered to your home. Most of them provide you with the ingredients and instructions so you can have a healthy meal within a half hour.
Don’t Give Up on Fitness
One way to avoid quitting your resolutions is to create rewards to help you stick to your plan. If you want to lose weight or become more fit, book a beach vacation that will require you to wear a bathing suit. Set small goals and each time you reach one, purchase yourself a gift. It could be jewelry, clothing, shoes or even a weekend away. As you achieve small goals and receive the reward, you will be more likely to stick with your plan to achieve your larger goals.
Use Rewards as Motivation
Another popular of very popular New Years resolution is to work out more often and this goal can coincide with healthier eating as well. First, make sure you have written down your fitness goals as you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. As simple as this may sound, you simply may need to just push through the desire to stop working out. When you feel overwhelmed, maybe setting a smaller goal is a better idea. If getting to the gym is too difficult, consider purchasing your own fitness equipment to use at home.
Better Handle on Finances
If one of the things you wanted to do this year is to get a better handle on your finances, the first thing you should have done is write down all money coming in and all going out to see where you could economize. It could mean looking into refinancing your home or trading in your current car on a more gas efficient model. Another thing to do is to check your credit score regularly. Your credit score has an impact on much more than you may thing. If your score is low, you may be paying higher insurance rates and interest on loans will not be as favorable. As you watch your credit score go up, you will feel as if you are making progress in getting a handle on your finances which will help you stick to your plan.
More Family Time
As children get older, you realize just how important spending quality time with them is which is why many people making a New Years resolution to spend more time with family. A popular saying today is that no one ever remembers the hours they spent at work when they are on their death bed, but they remember the time spent with family. One way to be sure you continue past Quitter’s Day is to plan movie nights. Rent movies, pop some popcorn and spend a night in with the family. Plan a family vacation even if it is just for a few days. Talk to your kids and see what they would like to do as a family and work toward making that happen.
Be Kind to Others
Another thing that people strive to do in a new year is to show more kindness to others. This may be because you needed some additional kindness yourself the year before or you just realize that doing things for others makes you happier. There are many ways you can show kindness to others. Sending a gift basket to a friend who is going through a rough time is one way to remind yourself of your resolutions. Flowers to your spouse for no reason other than you love them is another great idea.
These simple ideas will help you avoid being a victim of Quitters Day. Be sure to visit to get some of the best savings on many of the items you need to stick to your New Year’s resolutions. There is no membership fee and you can begin saving money immediately.